
Simple, open-source Kanban
Host your own Kanban board for team collaboration.

Kanban for your team

OpenWork Board is a full-featured Kaban app with powerful team controls. Cards can have rich text with GitHub-flavored Markdown, tags, comments, due dates, and more.

Rich access controls mean you can safely share boards knowing that users will get only the powers they need, and no more.

Customize and extend

OpenWork Board is fully open-source, and Apache 2.0 licensed. If something is missing… just add it! The codebase is nice and compact, with a React.js frontend, and a unique backend written in a new language, DAML.

DAML is the secret sauce behind OpenWork. It's a strongly typed functional language for concisely describing workflows between multiple users. This means the data description and application logic can be unified, resulting in a smaller codebase with strong integrity guarantees.

Lower cost

OpenWork Board is much cheaper to run than commercial apps such as Trello. You can host your own on your cloud provider of choice, or you can use our managed service, DABL, and pay-as-you-go.

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