Get Started

  1. 1 Create an account

    The easiest way to get going is to use our hosting service, DABL.

    Create a DABL account
  2. 2 Choose an app to deploy

    At the bottom of the Dashboard, choose to deploy a Board, Chat, or a Feed app.

  3. 3 Select & launch

    Once the app has finished initializing, tap on the ledger card.

    Ledgers are a type of database which allow multiple users to update the state according to pre-agreed business rules. This means the data description and application logic can be unified, resulting in stronger guarantees about their safety. You can read more about DAML ledgers here.

    After deployment, tap "Launch" in the "Action Needed" box.


For Feed apps, you're good to go! The Deployments screen shows your app's unique URL to share with your team.

For Boards and Chat apps, there's a bit more to do to get them running.

Run your Board or Chat app